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Owen Hegarty, OAM HonFAusIMM

Owen Hegarty, OAM HonFAusIMM

Co-founder and Executive Chairman, EMR Capital

Owen has more than 50 years experience in the global mining industry: including 25 years with the Rio Tinto group where he worked in most of their commodities, companies, and countries, and ultimately was Managing Director of Rio Tinto Asia and the Australian copper and gold business from 1989 to 1994.

Owen was the founder and Managing Director of Oxiana Limited, where he led the growth of Oxiana from a junior explorer to a major Asia Pacific base and precious metals producer. Oxiana became OZ Minerals which remains one of the top performing resources stocks over the past 25 years. Owen was Chairman of the Tigers Realm Minerals Group and until end of 2016 was Vice Chairman of Fortescue Metals Group; and he was also the Executive Vice- Chairman of Hong Kong-listed G-Resources and CST Mining.

Owen is a co-founder and Executive Chairman of EMR Capital, a specialist mining private equity group. EMR has multiple mining projects and operations worldwide.

Owen holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) from Monash University, is a Honorary Fellow of and former Director of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AUSIMM), and a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

Owen has served and continues to serve as a member of a number of Government and industry mining advisory bodies; and is the recipient of a number of awards and citations for his achievements and leadership in the mining industry. He was also awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the June 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours List for service to the mining and minerals sector.
